Brush Pack 1: Elegance

Added on August 8th 2008
Brush preview

So here's my first little brush experiment - Elegance :) with many more to come.

This set includes 7 brushes all made by myself. These were made an as far as my technologically impaired knowledge knows, only usable in Adobe Photoshop CS3. However, I have included a folder of the 7 brushes in PNG form, so if anyone wants to import them to an earlier version, that'd be purrrfect.

No need to credit me on these, use them for whatever you want - Fav's and comments on them are very appreciated, and if you want to show me what you made with them - go for it, I'd love to see what people can do with them :)

Thanks for viewing! File is in RAR format and around 2 MB.

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